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…since I posted something.

I’ve been busy trying to find a job and being a mom of two teens. I’ve always heard that the first years were the hardest. Not true – my girls were easy babies and easy toddlers – well-behaved, easy to entertain – and no saying on what to wear, eat, go, when to sleep, shower… I think it gets harder as they get older!!!! I’m always taking kids somewhere – and, goodness, they have an opinion!!!! Just joking – they are lots of fun! With that said, I am the very proud mother of two incredible girls and my older one just won the video festival at her school! Super cool. So here is a link to her video:


Hope you enjoy it!

I was listening to NPR, as usual, on my way to work the other day and the piece was about Stay at Home Dads – how the economy has cause an increase in stay at home fathers that were laid off. They created networking groups and are learning the tricks of the trade from each other – which I thought it was kind of funny, as they could have learned from their wives, who’ve probable been very much up to date with all the new gadgets for kids and babies! But what most shocked me was that these dads are being advised to add their parental skills to their resumes as it may increase their chances of landing on a job – managers see those skills as an ability to multitask and it gives these men a human quality that cannot be described in other jobs. Now, that’s quite interesting: Men will have an easier time getting a job by having parental skills, by being a stay at home dad, while women, who have been doing this for thousands of years, better not add the mothering skills to their resume or they may be seen as weak, limited, outdated, and an inconvenience. Why is that? Because those managers probably know that, once the men get back to working, the wives will take the parental role back and the male employee won’t have to worry about the children, but if the mother goes back to work, most likely the father is not going to be her backup… even when it comes to something at which we master (such as parenting), men always have the upper hand…

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